Being like a lighthouse
Today was the first day that figurative seeds that I planted weeks ago started to sproot their little heads out of the ground and find each other.
I’ve been mean to myself for the way I operate- get sucked into something for a few weeks, quit. Get sucked in, quit. But! I almost always come back to those things, too. What I realized is that I need to work with this tendency and use it to my advantage instead of against it. I need to stop forcing myself to do something start to finish all in one go like everyone else does. If I am working on a song, a just-started piece of art, learning lighting software, planting things outside or whatever else, and just work on each one separately for an hour and then do something else when I fizzle out, I’ll still get q u iii t e a lot done. And then I can come back each time rested with freshly-cemented knowledge or a new idea that I like way better.
Summed up: If I forgive my need for a constant rotation, for needing to take a complete brain break, I come back to my projects with a new inspiration. This is why it feels like I’m building a spiral staircase in a pretty lighthouse Instead of 10 platforms of chunks of steps one by one in a big square building. Since I’ve embraced the lighthouse I’ve been on a roll.
Documentation for Lauren of movement I made today:
-I paid for this website subscription and domain today, and tried to put something handmade in each of the links even though some are there for placeholders. Launched the website because I got excited to talk about how:
-I tidied up my Soundcloud, affectionately decided not to delete anything, and submitted two songs to their fancy new distribution program. I realized I don’t have to do anything further with two short clips of music I’ve been sitting on forever and ever so I figured what the heck, I’ll just upload them. Holy moly, I forgot I had any sort of fanbase on that thing. Immediately people started saying sweet stuff on my tracks and retweeting them. Such sweetness.
-I tidied up a scanned piece of artwork that is one of two separate and distinct visual representations of one of my Soundcloud songs (We started on track and sprouted to a big full-page thing that had nothing to do with what the music looks like by the end of it) and am still messing around with the best way to clean up the edges of this design with a mixture of eraser and also background eraser, and then if I should put it against a new white layer and size it nicely for prints and focus on that? Do I know anyone who knows the answer to this? I apparently don’t even know the key words I have to search for in YouTube in order to find what I’m looking for.
-Forgave myself for having a crazy sleep schedule. I really don’t have morning or even afternoon obligations, and midnight-3 is prime time for creativity. Trying to sleep is a lost cause. I should just work with it. Funny enough, releasing that particular pressure makes it incredibly easy to just plop and nap whenever I want.
So, measurable progress. Tomorrow needs to be an art day. I need to get out of business brain and do art or I’ll fail at preventing a lashing out. Hopefully it doesn’t happen tomorrow but whenever it does, I’ll write about it. Thankfully all of the outlets I’m starting up are 100% because they sound like fun, and the music and art will be created anyway. I figure I might as well display the process since no one really shows that. It’s a path forward that’s custom made for a lighthouse brain. Maybe I will use tomorrow as a figuring out OBS and Twitch day and whether or not OBS will work to also capture regular old videos for Youtube. Any helps are appreciated!
Anyway lighthouse stuff. Sweet dreams, world!